Today in class we got into groups to discuss our projects and CCR's. We were six people in the group: Andre, Isa, Layla, Danielle, Madison, and I. At first, we were all being shy and the conversation was small, but after Isa started talking and sharing about her process and her struggles, everything came more natural and we ended up having fun.
My group had lots of good ideas inpired by funny celebrities interviews. For instance, WIRED's web's most searched questions interview, BuzzFeed Celeb's puppy interview, First We Feast's Hot Ones, etc.
With the help from the people in my group, I decided that in my first CCR, i will play tennis with a funny twist while answering the first two CCR questions. The twist is that everytime I hit the ball the racket is going to change to a different object that's related to the film opening.
Talking with other people that are doing the same project as me, hearing about their process and ideas was very inpiring and helpful. I'm very exited to film my CCRs this weekend!