In my blog post yesterday I wrote that I know what I'm going to do for my CCR videos... This morning in class I was talking to Cami and realized that my ideas are not very creative, so we spent the rest of our class time thinking about new ideas and we came up with really good ones.
Today I will write the script for my first CCR video, about a meticulous blog inspired by Harry Potter. Inspiration video: video
Living Blog CCR
Omer writing her blog, blog stops working.
OMER: Hey?
BLOG: Do you want to continue writing?
OMER: Yes I really need it for my Portfolio Project...
BLOG: I see... If you want your access back, you're going to have to answer some questions...
OMER: Ok...?
BLOG: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
OMER: Mendacious uses a variety of crime and drama genre conventions, such as having lots of close ups, slow music, low key lighting, low angles, and opening the film with a victim and crime that will launch the investigation. We also used a thick all caps font for a sense of mystery. Regarding to challenging conventions, my mom was the one playing the detective, even though there's been an increase in the portrayal of female detectives in recent years, male actors are often casted as detectives in crime films. Ms. Travers represents the law enforcement officers, she wears dark colors, modest clothes, and a badge, like most officers, but in addition, her office is messy and colorful, indicating on her high spirit personality.
BLOG: Not bad... But you still have one more question to answer.
Omer looks confused
BLOG: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
OMER: Mendacious engages with audience through creating suspense and establishing mystery. Suspense is created with the help of the non diegetic music at the very first minute of the film. And to create mystery, the audience are shown a person rushing to write a letter and a crime scene under investigation. Those two scenes bring up many questions in the viewer's mind without them even realizing it. Some questions that can be brought up are: what happened in the crime scene? who's writing the letter? why are they rushing? what's written in the letter? who's the victim? After the title graphic, more questions might rise, like: who's Ms. Travers? why did she get the letter and no one else? why did the letter made her react the way she did? and more... For distribution, Mendacious would start by premiering at amateur film festivals like: KickOff International Film Festival, Solanin Film Festival, and even my school's own film festival The Lightning Film Festival! There, it could capture the attention of a distribution company, leading to a theatrical release before arriving on streaming service, like YouTube TV.
BLOG: Wow, I guess you did it. Honestly, I didn't think you would. Just get your access back already it's not a big deal.
OMER: Thanks!
Omer continues to finish her blog.
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