Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CCR Research #2

Today I will be researching more about the second question (out of four) to make sure I'm answering it correctly and not sliding off topic. 


  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

To answer this question I will start by researching my target audience. Crime films have an older audience than most movies, but the target audience can depend on the film's subgenre and marketing. In the case of Mandacious, target audience will be 16 years old teens and up, including crime lovers. 

After I established my target audience, I will discuss how my production choices work to engage them. For example, editing the movie in a way that makes the audience feel like they are solving the crime with Travers and Ben. 

I will end my answer with adressing where I will distribute the film. Some ideas that I had in mind are film festivals for amatuer filmmakers, like the film festival in my school, The Lightning Film Festival!  I can also distribute the film in local theaters that promote aspiring filmmakers. 

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Group Meeting #2

Today in class we got into groups to discuss our projects and CCR's. We were six people in the group: Andre, Isa, Layla, Danielle, Madis...