Friday, February 21, 2025

Set and Lighting

Set and lighting are crucial in establishing the tone for the scene. For instance, high key lighting can create a pure and angelic atmosphere, while low key lighting develops more mystery and tension. Today I will be discussing the set and lighting choices for all three scenes in our film opening. 

Crime Scene

The crime scene takes place on a street in an avrage neighborhood at night as Ben is on his way home. To make it appear more real, we will use dark, low key lighting combined with a flashing red and blue lights of police cars. This will create a more mysterious stmosphere. 

Writing the Letter

This scene is set in Ben's house during the early morning, the sun just came out. The lighting will be low key to contrast the quiet morning, with Ben rushing to write the letter in fear. We have chosen to film this at Charlee's house, as it fits out vision best. 

A Letter to Travers

For this scene, we want to create an atmosphere of justice and goodness. It takes place in a police station, so we will use high key lighting to emphasize the authority. Finding a location for this scene has been a little tricky... At first, we planned to use the the conference roonm in the local library, but unfortunatly, when we came to film we discoveerd that reservation had to be made two weeks in advance... It was very challenging to think of a new location for this scene because none of us has access to an office in Weston. However, after hours of brainstorming alternative locations, I remembered my little brother's scool! He goes to a small school in Cooper City that matches our vision for the scene! I plan to go there monday with my dad and ask for premission to film. 

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