Thursday, February 20, 2025

Costumes and Props

Costumes and props are extremely important to develop a character. Different costumes can help the audience realize different things about the person. For instance, if a character is wearing a ball gown, the audience can infer that she is going to a fancy event. After some research, today I will be discussing the different costumes and props of different characters in the film opening to establish a better sense of who they truly are and what is their role in the movie. 


Costume: In the opening, Ben will wear an everyday outfit. He might wear a T-shirt and jeans or a sweatshirt and pants. We want Ben to wear a casual outfit since he's presented as a normal innocent guy. 

Props: Ben's props are pen and paper when writing the letter, and a backpack when he's leaving his house for good. 


Costume: Travers will wear a work outfit since Ben approaches to him with the letter while being at work. Our vision is that he will wear beige jeans and a bottoned up, blue and white square long sleeve shirt. 

Props: Travers will have a walkie talkie and a cop badge to clarify that he's a detective and that he's at work. 

Crime scene investigator 

Costume: The crime scene investigator will wear a white hazmat suit, a blue disposable mask and disposable gloves.

Props: The investigator will have a white chalk to outline the body on the floor. 

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Group Meeting #2

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