Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting #1

Today in class the teacher set us in to groups with the goal to give and recieve helpful feedback about our project ideas. I was put into a group with 5 other girls: Sofia, Anastasia, Miranda, and Sofia. Each one of us explained her group's film opening ideas and provided helpful suggestions when needed. I had a lot of fun discussing with my group, I think that this activity helped all of us a lot.

I was the first one to share, I was feeling nervous but all of my group members made me feel more confident as I was speaking thanks to the pleasent environoment. Most of the questions my group had were about filming. For example, I was asked who will the actors be since the movie is about adults, then I explained that Charliee's, Cami's, and my dad will be the ones appearing in the opening. My group helped me so much, they gave me lots of wonderful suggestions that include: 

  • Outline the body with chalk (opening police perpare crime scene)
  • Mostly close ups in the crime scene (opening police perpare crime scene)
  • Add police emergency lights in the background (opening police perpare crime scene)
  • Add police sirens in the background (opening police perpare crime scene)
These ideas helped me a lot and I will try to include them all in the film opening. In addition Sofia was so kind and offered the props from her cop halloween costume to use in our opening. 

When Sofia shared her idea, we found a potential issue. Her group wants to film a car but they dont have the resources to get a shot in action that follows the car. The solution we collectively came up with and offered to Sofia was that she can film a shot of the car passing by, from a still tripod. This way she can still have her car in movement shot, but withouht getting a shaky handheld shot from someone running after the car. 

Overall, I enjoyed working with my group, this activity really helped me to elevate my group's film opening. Having the opportunity to recieve feedback from other student is so helpful in the planning process. 

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Group Meeting #2

Today in class we got into groups to discuss our projects and CCR's. We were six people in the group: Andre, Isa, Layla, Danielle, Madis...