Today in class the teacher set us in to groups with the goal to give and recieve helpful feedback about our project ideas. I was put into a group with 5 other girls: Sofia, Anastasia, Miranda, and Sofia. Each one of us explained her group's film opening ideas and provided helpful suggestions when needed. I had a lot of fun discussing with my group, I think that this activity helped all of us a lot.
I was the first one to share, I was feeling nervous but all of my group members made me feel more confident as I was speaking thanks to the pleasent environoment. Most of the questions my group had were about filming. For example, I was asked who will the actors be since the movie is about adults, then I explained that Charliee's, Cami's, and my dad will be the ones appearing in the opening. My group helped me so much, they gave me lots of wonderful suggestions that include:
- Outline the body with chalk (opening police perpare crime scene)
- Mostly close ups in the crime scene (opening police perpare crime scene)
- Add police emergency lights in the background (opening police perpare crime scene)
- Add police sirens in the background (opening police perpare crime scene)
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