Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Filming #1

Finally, on Sunday Charlee and I met and started filming our opening! I was super excited and I think it's safe to say that it was a successful filming day. We met the first time at 10am and the second time at 7pm. Today I will go over our first part of filming at 10am. 

On Sunday morning, Charlee and I met at her house to film the first scene of the opening. We filmed the scene where Ben is writing the letter to Travers. We started by transforming her dining area to a desk/office room. Everything was moved except for the table which we used as the desk. We added props on the desk such as folders, papers, office equipment, and more. We met at Charlee's house since her dad is the one playing Ben and it was the most comfortable to film at compared to our alternative locations. 

We gave a lot of thought to the props that we put on the table. For example, on one of the folders we wrote "victim 8". We didn't focus on it with the camera, it was on the table while we were filming, foreshadowing Ben's true identity. 

Another prop that we took very seriously is the envelope that Ben gives to Travers. We had four options to choose from. Our first pick was the envelope on the bottom right corner, we thought it looked very cool since it's old and added to the mysterious tone that we are trying to create. But after some more thought, we realized that having an old envelope would make no sense since the letter itself is not old, so our final choice was the yellow envelope. We chose the yellow envelope since it pops out on the screen and draws attrention to itself. This helps us to develop the purpose that something important is written inside of it. 

For some shots, we needed to get a little creative... For example, to get the high shot of Ben writing the letter, I climbed on a chair to film:

In addition to all the filming that we did in the morning, we were planning to film some more at 7pm, so Charlee tried on her costume for the evening to make sure that it fits and that everything is as it should be. After we were all done, we had a little extra time on our schedule so we discussed and planned in more detail what we would be doing in the evening. 

At the end of the day, our first part of filming went really well. We got all the footage we needed and even filmed some extra! My next blog post will talk about our second part of filming, which had some complications...

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